Saturday, 26 January 2019
New Zealand Veronica: how high do they grow?
At the moment, New Zealand’s largest flowering plant genus is Veronica (the speedwells and hebes ), with 122 native and 19 introd...
Thursday, 28 December 2017
What I did last year for hay fever.
Disclaimer : the following is not medical advice. It's just a description of what I started doing for my hay fever last summer. And it...
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
A dry summer in Wellington.
I haven't blogged here for a couple of years. I've been busy doing other things, mostly with a camera, and I'll have more to say...
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Sunday, 5 October 2014
The Great Veronica Hunt—part 7.
Spring’s here, although you wouldn’t know it today in Christchurch. I’m here for a couple of days to collect and photograph three veronicas...
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Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Wednesday Wildflower: Oenothera acaulis
When I was a little kid, I loved the Hans Christian Andersen story of the ugly duckling , a cygnet—teased by the ducklings for its ugliness—...
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Wednesday Wildflower: Viola banksii
In New Zealand we have three native and 5 naturalised violets. One of the naturalised ones is from Australia, identified in the 1988 Flora ...
Monday, 10 February 2014
The Day We Fight Back
Websites all over the world are protesting today (11 Feb 2014) about surveillance of the internet, email, telephones, and other communicatio...
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